EP.4| VR and the Storyworld

Virtual reality designers consider their audience's experience within an immersive story from every aspect of the story arc. Virtual experiences can evoke various emotional reactions, and the VR designer uses a variety of design elements to facilitate presence, immersion, and transportation, including haptics and spatial audio (Jerald, 2015).

Now take a virtual ecosystem designed to engage the user and couple it with the talent of immersive story writers and actors, and VR users embark on virtual journeys they may never forget (Virtual Reality Experience | Welcome to Respite, n.d.). In this episode:


Jerald, J. (2015). The VR Book: Human-Centered Design for Virtual Reality (ACM Books) (Illustrated ed.). Morgan & Claypool Publishers.

Lyons, D., & Butchko, S. (n.d.). Ferryman Collective | Live Immersive VR Experiences. The Ferryman Collective. Retrieved May 23, 2022, from https://www.ferrymancollective.com

Virtual Reality Experience | Welcome to Respite. (n.d.). The Severance Theory. Retrieved April 22, 2022, from https://www.theseverancetheory.com